Adult Ministries
Adult Sunday School
Meeting in the main auditorium during the Sunday School hour and taught by men who have a heart for God and His Word. This class teaches truths from the Bible, promoting spiritual growth and encouraging one’s daily walk with the Lord. We challenge believers to step beyond their current knowledge of God's Word, opening new chapters of faith and growth.
Berean Sunday School Class
The Berean Sunday School Class is tailored for young adults. Join us as we dive into the Scriptures and focus on Bible truths that can be applied to your life. This class is located in the fellowship hall.
Ladies Sunday School Class
This class focuses on unique topical lessons, improving the understanding of Bible doctrine and truths. It shows how the impact of the Bible has on issues relevant to issues today.
This class meets in the Choir Practice room, accessed through the main auditorium and the hallway behind the piano.
Adult Bible Study
On Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM, we meet in the Fellowship Hall for Bible study and prayer.
This class is led by Jess Mohler. We are currently going through the Book of Psalms.